Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trans-fat and obesity, Kentucy Fried Chicken (KFC) sued!

The public is belatedly waking up to dangers of trans fats - the cheap, chemically treated oils that lurk unlabelled in many processed foods.

Trans fats, or trans-fatty acids, are the more popular name for HVOs (which, confusingly, are more correctly PHVOs, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils). They have been the food scare of this summer. TF or TFAs are - a quick Google will tell you - the "killer fat", the "Franken-fat that will not die", "more deadly than saturated fats", "furring up our bodies like old kettles". Look a bit further and you can find trans fats "linked" - that dangerous health campaigner's verb - to disorders from Alzheimer's to autism. "Over the years there has been some very good research on TFAs," says Tom Sanders, professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, London. "And there has been some ridiculous crap written about them."
Read why Colonel Sanders goes to court HERE.

Researched by Hafidzah

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Beautiful Woman - Scientificly Proven Method For Permanent Weight Loss

In order to effect permanent weight loss, you have to have these four measures:

1. A proper diet.

2. Proper exercise.

3. A conscious desire to lose weight and have an attractive and slim appearance.

4. A subconscious belief system that desires for you to lose weight and for you to be attractive and slim.

If any one of these four things is lacking, you will not be able to lose weight. We have all dieted, and followed an exercise program in order to lose weight. And we are willing to continue to do so, if it will give us the attractive and slim body we seek. So numbers 1 and 2 above are no problem. And you would not be reading this website if you did not have a strong conscious desire for effective weight loss. So your conscious desire to lose weight, requirement number 3 above, is met.

This leaves requirement number 4: you cannot have an attractive and slim body if this desire conflicts with the programming and belief systems that exist in your subconscious mind. This is your problem.

"You cannot lose weight unless your subconscious mind wants for you to lose weight."

In my next posts, I will bring you the scientific studies for each one of the measures above, to tell you that you can loose weight permanently without chemicals, caffein, and surgery.

So come back again at Weight Loss @, a blog for weight watchers.